
A trip to the North

My wife and I visited Yorkshire recently and it’s an area we haven’t really visited properly before so we turned it into a mini tour and spent time in various places. I took my drone and my phone as well as a ‘proper’ camera but found I used my phone most of the time unless […]

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LrC – Lightroom Classic Workshop

Just completed a workshop with a group of students who all gave really positive feedback. Topics covered included all of the modules in LIghtroom Classic, with a particular focus on Library, Develop and Print. This was quite an intense course, covering a lot of material in a relatively short time. It’s been quite a while […]

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A satisfied client

I’ve just completed a set of training sessions with a private client. Although he’d used a camera for a long time, he’d pretty much kept things on full auto and had decided he wanted to take more control. Over a series of five sessions, I took him through all of the basics of using the […]

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Hawk Conservancy Trust revisited

It’s been quite a while since my last visit to the Hawk Conservancy Trust. Since then, I’ve replaced my main camera body (an Olympus E-M1 MkII) with an OM System (previously Olympus) OM-1. This body has much more processing power built into it and enhanced computational photography features, including AI subject recognition. One of these […]

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Summer courses cancelled

It is with great regret that I have to announce that my summer courses for 2022 at Marlborough College have been cancelled. Although we were seeing enough pre-bookings to guarantee that they could go ahead, unexpected illness has forced me to cancel for this year. I am very disappointed that I’ve had to let down […]

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