My wife and I visited Yorkshire recently and it’s an area we haven’t really visited properly before so we turned it into a mini tour and spent time in various places. I took my drone and my phone as well as a ‘proper’ camera but found I used my phone most of the time unless […]
A Visit to Merdon Castle
A rare opportunity to visit Merdon Castle near Winchester recently came up and a friend and I took the opportunity to take a look. The site is normally closed to the public, so a chance to see it during a recent Heritage Open Day was not to be missed. Recently removed from Historic England’s “At […]
LrC – Lightroom Classic Workshop
Just completed a workshop with a group of students who all gave really positive feedback. Topics covered included all of the modules in LIghtroom Classic, with a particular focus on Library, Develop and Print. This was quite an intense course, covering a lot of material in a relatively short time. It’s been quite a while […]
A satisfied client
I’ve just completed a set of training sessions with a private client. Although he’d used a camera for a long time, he’d pretty much kept things on full auto and had decided he wanted to take more control. Over a series of five sessions, I took him through all of the basics of using the […]
Courses and Students
It’s been an interesting year… for one reason or another, my own photography has taken something of a back seat for a while – starting with the lockdowns. Only recently have I started to get back into the groove, so to speak. This has also been the case for my courses. Those I have run […]
Hawk Conservancy Trust revisited
It’s been quite a while since my last visit to the Hawk Conservancy Trust. Since then, I’ve replaced my main camera body (an Olympus E-M1 MkII) with an OM System (previously Olympus) OM-1. This body has much more processing power built into it and enhanced computational photography features, including AI subject recognition. One of these […]
Summer courses cancelled
It is with great regret that I have to announce that my summer courses for 2022 at Marlborough College have been cancelled. Although we were seeing enough pre-bookings to guarantee that they could go ahead, unexpected illness has forced me to cancel for this year. I am very disappointed that I’ve had to let down […]
Course information for summer 2022
2021 became the second consecutive year in which Marlborough College Summer School was cancelled due to the Covid-19 pandemic. So it is great news that 2022 should see it re-established as one of the premier events of its kind. Please see my courses page for more information about my own offerings and links to the summer school […]
Swallowed my pride – I’m now a subscriber!
After several years of running Lightroom 6.14 (the last shrink-wrap version) due to my aversion to paying Adobe a subscription to use a later version, I’ve finally bitten the bullet and am now a subscriber. Several incremental upgrades have made making this step easier for me (the texture slider and dehaze without faffing with presets, […]
Marlborough College Summer School cancelled for a second year
Although, as previously noted, I decided to cancel my courses back in May, the summer school was still going ahead at that time. International students and tutors from abroad were excluded some time ago, this being one reason numbers were down this year, contributing to the cancellation of my courses. With the delay to the […]